
Najwa Zebian
9:22 PM on Wed, Jun 07, 2017:
Don't let your pain harden you.
Let it soften your heart.
Let it make you a kinder, more empathetic person.
Don't let your pain harden you.
Let it soften your heart.
Let it make you a kinder, more empathetic person.
Yes Inshallah.
Very kind words that makes u feel human.
But only if u knew the sorcerers modus operandis ensure wot u said.dosent happen they use jinns to inflct extreme pains with stiffening muscles harder than rocks amidst unimaginble pains in different formats eg., pulling to tear off, acidic or mayb poisonus burning pains, twisting various body parts muscles in different tensions, directions. The body weight increasing to a max extent as if bodys extreme weight wants to crush the body into shattered parts. Also, so that u remain immobilized by the dead weight when u need to change location to catch some breath but by not allowing that they can make u loose ur sanity, patience to b a complete outraged madman instantaneously. But they prefer to train ur mind over a longer period of time by repeating the jinn torture techs to build extreme hate n revenge seeking mind (which i assume they have inborn) to make 9/11 pilots by instigating ur evils by killing ur good senses.
The whole scheme is enacted by a slimeball act of cold blooded most unethical group of murderers, hiding someone for a period from public eyes. Discounting all considerations these r unpardonable criminals who shud b publicly leashed regardless who they r for at least continuously 5 years taking them close to death. Then allow to recover enuf n during this period make them carry 10 times more weight of themselves. Leash them again once recoverd just enuf to barely survive the next round.of leashes to b whipped to put them close to death again n keep repeating the process on these inhumane crooks n finally kill n throw.their disgusting corpse for their equal animals to devour. Anybody making but n wots taking excuse of religious affinity, defense pacts, same race etc in this lite treatment of historys most dangerous inhumane evils shud b subjected to same punishments.
If these simple publc examplary punishments cannot b affected than the humanity is at great risk more so in the hands of future generations.
Contrary to wot NZ says actually in such cases u need to b empathetic to humanity. Otherwise it will not b a livable world soon. Moreover, they might hav completed the first phase to eradicate islam from this planet by implanting trained jinns into every Muslims body. Personal experience says they can stay inside forever n u will never b able to know their presence. I first figured out since I left Citibank n despite desperate measures cudnt get me back in then they opted other strategy. This is when approximately after 12 years I was exposed to the presence of the unwanteds inside me.
Oh! Did u realize these madmans r thinking they r sane n smart with all these anti islam planning n dont hav a trace of shytwan jinns in them. Genious shytwans minds r these called. Shytwans that gives waswasa (shytwans whispering as a trial from Allah, no voices heard works quietly with mind) is in every humans body, But more shytwans resides generally inside kafirs to reward them with duniya.
Do yourselves a favor n go to westpoint n ask the prof of war strategy (not that they hav proven they hav knowledge to teach this subject since nam wars), before u declare war wot u must do
- try n learn as much about the enemy n nothing better than having the war strategy manual of the enemy
U ask this oxy moron nation wot is it for muslim countries, they will likely say quran. Wrong its quran n hadids, boths based military strategies. Then ask if anyone went thru them. The answer will b hell no (shytwans 3 cheers to defense Secy), we wud rather read a pinups tabloid stories. Probably a few hand picked by iblis cia's had been made alem n their wrong interpretations n the distortions they r asked to incorporate to the interpretation becomes the propaganda n rule of war.
LOL. Funny isnt it, they r calling us shytwans while they r being refrained to the texture, logic, philosophies, possible allies, histories etc of their worst enemies ever. Ever wonder y. Ever heard of a sly who achieves it's purpose using u n then u find it was a mistake n ur stupid act actually weakened u n u hav been fooled to b now easily b made kaput. That being too familiar to u all having the same characters of shytwans but u forgot ur popular saying due to overburdened sins, cheats, oppressions, snubbing human rites n humanity, crookedness n above all ur greed for duniya n luv of evil. U hav knowingly shifted 25% in god we trust to 100% with sorcery we kill n rule. Mashallah u hav done enuf to prove as u popularly say wot goes around comes back around, this time on yourselves. Usually justices for mischieves r allways severe.
Now u know y all of a sudden one day u hear in one of their news channels starting the prime time news saying, - us, eu, NATO & the allies 10 years, some billions $s after, in war in Afghanistan finally quits today & u can't stop luffing amidst the sorrow for the poor Afghans they had left behind in shambles. Amazing Afghans mashallah - proves repeatedly thru it's proud history n valor that win, loss, honor, humiliation etc lies with Allah. During recent times having seen soviet n then us debacle, who can challenge the quran is wrong. Just compare the opponents, no match. Its mashallah the strong Iman of the basic Afghans that made the possibily $2.5 trillion combined budgeted most powerful military pact ever with state of the art deadly weapons to simply quit ie accept defeat. The reason they don't believe in Allah n never realized who was fighting with the bare handed Afghans. Had they seen Afghans will power n persistence supplier it wudnt hav been 10 years, it wud hav been 10 seconds before the first battalions touch down that the pilot wud hav been telling Kabul air traffic - mamas got turkey cooked going back, not this time my man. Will call u collect to let u guys know if turkey is enuf to revive our stupidity. An excellent parable in bangla saying bring the canon to kill the mosquito. Althou its now proven Afghans r no mosquitos n it is the Americans who r the mosquitos. Ummah we don't inshallah need anything else other than restablish our Islamic cultures, throw the haram n kufri cultures in the bin, make ummah one body n never again allow the crooks n liars back into our lives. We live our ways w/o interfering or cozing harms to others. May Allah urgently create the path for the MUSLIM UMMAH.
Dawrood n Salam on prophet Mohammad saw, his relatives n his salafs.
PS, I told at the very onset to Najwa Zebian that I don't like poets bcoz Allah clearly stated in the quran that he & his prophet hate poets n poetries (chap. Shu'ara/ poets Quran #26:224-227). Sister I m not dictating u but mashallah u hav sharp intuition & one of the most kindest hearts. As I strongly believe that no ayahs can b ignored n I personally mashallah hav been successful in controlling many haram habits after I read the beautiful quran completely I wish n pray to Allah for shedding his Noor n hedayah for all good Muslims to amol on all his halals/ harams.