
Every article has been encoded with an alphabet, either at the beginning or at the end.Strange but y such abnoxious evil. Some articles r dimmed despite no settings exists to b done so. The inquiry fon # is disabled. Quran spelling mutiliated - fixed in many places in one article after inventing (a probably evil system) n still then probably mutiliated thruout the site. Not possible by me to chk the entire site n fix them. Failed (a farce to torture long enuf to make thirsty n break the fast) to fix the same evil in another site. A clowned strangle system customer service dns seller.
Here comes john signing hindi goldies (the hidden agenda behind quietly torturing n beyond for few days n piling up reasons for blog writing evil procedure). Here goes the fag who has his own jet plane: althou comey is a set game let the bhogobans make evil muslims say n pray agaist evil christians so that godess john gets impeached. Before the crook islam hater gets cot in his own set traps of british evil protection program, let this blog b the rationale for next president evil to increase sorcery on the inflicter of continuous increase of injury on the already heavily insulted crusaders, terrorists n evil sorcerers.
Re: http//kitabofenlightment.info
The above first cut was hurriedly distributed in torture confusion thru facebook.
Below gif: There is no power other than the power of Allah (was covered up with gif in tumblr. Took that as an excuse to delete the blog, which cud hav been rewritten in few seconds thru edit. Then for last 7 hours held up reposting showing censorship n must b sent thru tlr). This gif wont b posted here.
GIF: O Allah! With your nur (light) guide us towards the road of righteous & away from the cursed.