Salam. 23/02/17 Listen to Qu'ran Chapter 72 Al-Jinn (The Jinn) with english audio translation by Submit 2 Islam #np on #SoundCloud Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. My write-ups r of 2 opposing subjects, 1 is about Islam which means & teaches peace and the other is about terrorism of crusaders & zionists aided by invisible evil sorcery (evidential). The scheme is drawimg up deeply crooked n lengthy even up2 20+ years of planz linking sorceries n terrorisms in a very clever n convincing way by falsely setting up people, terrorism venues choosing n follow up blashphemous propagandas. Just so that Islam n Muslims can b blamed falsely for the crusaders n their created axis of American led evils. There actions include "non human" level hatred breeding n enhancing thru designing terrorism acts like 9/11 n many more subsequent most deadly terrorist acts ev...