Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
Al- Isra' and Al-Mi'raj .
(The Miraculous Night Journey From Makkah to the Farthest Masjid in Jerusalem , and the Ascent Through the Spheres of Heavens)
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was then presented before Allah. He was brought near such that he was at the at the distance of two bow's length or less. { Here the coming of Gebriel Alaihissalaam towards the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is meant , and the description of getting close to Allah in this narration is false. This is considered as mistaken description of the narrator Sharik while narrating the Hadith of Al-Isra and Al-Mi'raj . Imaanm Khattabi has criticized these words of Sharik indicating them to be defective as regards the Highest Exaltation of Allah , and being against the description of Salaf Salihin >Muslim scholars and the former interpreters of the Noble Qur'an . That is why when this Hadith was narrated from Anas (Allah be pleased with him) without the chain of Sharik , these words were not found there. (For details see Zadul Ma'ad . footnote 3\35 , by Shu'aib Al-Arnaut)}.
Allah revealed to His servant as He willed, ordaining fifty daily prayers for him. On his return , he spoke to Moosa Alaihissalaam , informing him that his followers had been enjoined to pray fifty times a day. Moosa Alaihissalaam addressing the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Your followers cannot perform so many prayers . Go back to your lord and ask for a decrease in number ." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) turned to Jibraeel Alaihissalaam , he nodded , "Yes , If you desire." and ascended with him till Allah the Almighty, Glorious is He, reduced the prayers by ten. He then descended and reported that to Moosa Alaihissalaam , who again urged him to request a further reduction . Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) once more begged his Lord to reduce the number still further . He went again and again at the suggestion of Moosa Alaihihissalaam for reduction in the number of prayers till these were reduced to only five. Moosa Alaihissalaam again asked him to implore for more reduction , but he said, : "I Feel ashamed now of repeatedly asking my Lord for reduction . I accept and resign to His Will". When Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went further , a Caller was heard saying :" I have imposed My Ordinance and lightened the burden of My servants."
Ibn Al Qayyim and Ibn Thaimiyah mentioned that there is some difference over whether the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw Allah or not. The result of the research into this matter being that seeing Him with the eye is not confirmed as a saying of any of the Companions , and that what is reported from Ibn 'Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) is seeing in general which does not negate the first view. Then he said, "As for His saying in SUrat An_Najm (Chapter The star) "Then he approached and came closer."[53:8]
It is not the approach of the story of the Night Journey and Ascension . For the approach mentioned in Surat An Najm relates to Jibraeel Alaihissalaam and his coming closer to him, as stated by 'Aaishah and Ibn Mas'ood , and the rest of it supports that. As for the approach and coming closer in the Hadith of the Ascension, that clearly is about the Lord, Blessed and Most High, and his coming closer to Him. This is not contradicted by Surat An Najm. Rather it merely mentions that he saw him another time at Sidratul -Muntaha , and the 'him' in question is Jibraeel Alaihissalaam, since Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw him in his real appearance twice; once on earth , and once at Sidratul Muntaha. And Allah knows best. {Zadul Ma'ad 2\47-48; see also Sahih Al-Bukhari 1\50,455, 456, 470 and others and Sahih Muslim-1\91-96}
In some of the narrations it is reported that his chest was also split on this occasion. Among the things the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) winessed during this event are the following;
He was presented with milk and wine . He chose the milk , It was , " You have chosen the Fitrah -or -you took the Fitrah . Had you selected the wine , Your nation would have been misled. "
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw two manifest rivers . the Nile and the Euphrates and two hidden ones. It appears that the two manifest rivers , the Nile and Euphrates , symbolically describe the area in whose fertile valleys, Muhammad 's Message will settle. The two hidden rivers being those in Paradise.
The Prophet Muhammad had the opportunity to see Malik Alaihissalaam , the keeper of Hell, with a cheerless frowning face. he saw Paradise and the Fire. He saw those who unjustly consume the property of orphans. They have snouts similar to those of camels, swallowing red hot stones and then issuing out of their backs . There were also the people who take interest and usuary with bellies too big to be able to move around; they are trodden by the people of Pharaoh when these are admitted into Hell. In the same abode, he saw the adulterers offered a tasty fatty meat and a rotten smelly one but they chose the latter. the licentious women were also there hanging from their breasts.
to be continued....................}
Courtesy: Hamid Fathima