Islam or Duniya - wots it gonna b?
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
Al- Isra' and Al-Mi'raj .
(The Miraculous Night Journey From Makkah to the Farthest Masjid in Jerusalem , and the Ascent Through the Spheres of Heavens)
The Makkan Phase of the Prophets's life are noted for alternate fortunes ranging between two extremes; gradual success and continual persecution . However , glimpses of favorable lights were appearing on the distant horizon , to ultimately materialize in the event of the Prophet 's Night Journey to Jerusalem and then Ascension through the spheres of the heavens.
As for its exact date,there is a difference of opinion about it. The following are the views about when it occurred;
1. The night journey occurred during the year in which Allah honored Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with Prophethood . This view was chosen by At-Tabraani.
2. It occurred five years after the beginning of his Prophethood . This is the view preferred by An-Nawawi and al- Qurtubi.
3. It was the night of the 27th of Rajab during the tenth year of Prophethood . This view was chosen by 'Allama Al- Mansurpuri.
4. It was 16 months prior to the migration to Madhinah, during Ramadhan of the twelth year of Prophethood.
5.It was one year and two months prior to the migration to Madhinah , meaning in Al-Muharram during the Thirteenth year of Prophethood.
6. It was one year prior to the migration , during Rabi'ul Awwal in the 13th year of Prophethood.
The first three views are based on the death of Khadijah (Allah be pleased with her) which was in Ramadhan during the tenth year of Prophethood . She died before the five daily prayers were made obligatory, and there is no difference of opinion over the fact that the five prayers were made obligatory during the Night Journey. {For these views see Zadul-Ma'ad 2\49, and Mukhtasar Seeratir-Rasul by Sheikh Abdullah An Najdi.pp.148-149}
As for the remaining three views , there is no sign indicating a preference for one over the other, except that the context of Surat Al Isra' supports that the Night Journey was very late on the time of line.
The Imaams of Hadith narrate a number of Details about this event , the following of which is a summary;
Ibn Al Qaiyim said: " Allah 's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was carried physically - according to the correct view-from the sacred Masjid in Makkah to Bait Al-Maqdis (Al Aqsa) in Jerussalem , riding on Al Buraq in the company of Jibraeel Alaihissalaam . There he alighted ,tied the horse to a ring in the gate of the Masjid and led the prophets in prayer. Then during that night he ascended from Bait Al-Maqdis (Al Aqsa) to the lowest heaven . Jibraeel Alaihissalaam sought permission to enter . It was opened and he saw Adam Alaihissalaam welcomed him, returned his greeting , and expressed his faith in Muhammad 's Prophethood . he saw the souls of martyrs on his right and those of the wretched on his left.
Jibraeel Alaihissalaam then ascended with the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to the second heaven , sought entry and there he saw and greeted John , son of Zachariyya (Yahya bin Zachariyya Alaihissalaam) and (Jesus) Eesaa Alaihissalaam , son of Mariyam (Mary) Alaihissalaam . They returned his greeting , welcomed him and expressed their faith in his Prophethood.
Then they reached the third heaven where they saw (Joseph)Yusuf alaihissalaam and greeted him. The latter welcomed the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) returned his greeting, and expressed faith in his Prophethood.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) , in the company of Jibraeel Alaihissalaam , then reached the fourth heaven where he met the Prophet idris Alaihissalaam and greeted him . Idris Alaihissalaam returned the greeting and expressed faith in his Prophethood . then he was carried to the fifth heaven where he met the Prophet Haaroon Alaihissalaam (Aaron) and greeted him. The latter returned the greeting and expressed faith in his prophethood . In the sixth heaven he met Moosa Alaihissalaam (Moses) and greeted him. The latter returned the greeting and expressed faith in his Prophethood. Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on leaving, saw that Moosa Alaihissalaam began to weep . He asked about the reason , Moosa Alaihissalaam answered that he was weeping because he witnessed a man sent after him as a Messenger (Muhammad SalAllahu Alaihiwasallam )who was able to lead more of his people to Paradise than he himself did.
Then Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached the seventh heaven and met Ibrahim Alaihissalaam (Abraham) and greeted him. The latter returned the salutation and expressed faith in his Prophethood . Then he was carried to Sidratul -Muntaha (the remotest lote tree) and was shown Al-Bait Al-Ma'mur (the much frequented house) encompassed daily by seventy thousand angels , so that the angels who once encompassed it would not have their turn again till the resurrection ].
He was then presented before ALLAH.
To be continued.......................}
Courtesy : Hamid Fathima
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
Al- Isra' and Al-Mi'raj .
(The Miraculous Night Journey From Makkah to the Farthest Masjid in Jerusalem , and the Ascent Through the Spheres of Heavens)
The Makkan Phase of the Prophets's life are noted for alternate fortunes ranging between two extremes; gradual success and continual persecution . However , glimpses of favorable lights were appearing on the distant horizon , to ultimately materialize in the event of the Prophet 's Night Journey to Jerusalem and then Ascension through the spheres of the heavens.
As for its exact date,there is a difference of opinion about it. The following are the views about when it occurred;
1. The night journey occurred during the year in which Allah honored Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with Prophethood . This view was chosen by At-Tabraani.
2. It occurred five years after the beginning of his Prophethood . This is the view preferred by An-Nawawi and al- Qurtubi.
3. It was the night of the 27th of Rajab during the tenth year of Prophethood . This view was chosen by 'Allama Al- Mansurpuri.
4. It was 16 months prior to the migration to Madhinah, during Ramadhan of the twelth year of Prophethood.
5.It was one year and two months prior to the migration to Madhinah , meaning in Al-Muharram during the Thirteenth year of Prophethood.
6. It was one year prior to the migration , during Rabi'ul Awwal in the 13th year of Prophethood.
The first three views are based on the death of Khadijah (Allah be pleased with her) which was in Ramadhan during the tenth year of Prophethood . She died before the five daily prayers were made obligatory, and there is no difference of opinion over the fact that the five prayers were made obligatory during the Night Journey. {For these views see Zadul-Ma'ad 2\49, and Mukhtasar Seeratir-Rasul by Sheikh Abdullah An Najdi.pp.148-149}
As for the remaining three views , there is no sign indicating a preference for one over the other, except that the context of Surat Al Isra' supports that the Night Journey was very late on the time of line.
The Imaams of Hadith narrate a number of Details about this event , the following of which is a summary;
Ibn Al Qaiyim said: " Allah 's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was carried physically - according to the correct view-from the sacred Masjid in Makkah to Bait Al-Maqdis (Al Aqsa) in Jerussalem , riding on Al Buraq in the company of Jibraeel Alaihissalaam . There he alighted ,tied the horse to a ring in the gate of the Masjid and led the prophets in prayer. Then during that night he ascended from Bait Al-Maqdis (Al Aqsa) to the lowest heaven . Jibraeel Alaihissalaam sought permission to enter . It was opened and he saw Adam Alaihissalaam welcomed him, returned his greeting , and expressed his faith in Muhammad 's Prophethood . he saw the souls of martyrs on his right and those of the wretched on his left.
Jibraeel Alaihissalaam then ascended with the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to the second heaven , sought entry and there he saw and greeted John , son of Zachariyya (Yahya bin Zachariyya Alaihissalaam) and (Jesus) Eesaa Alaihissalaam , son of Mariyam (Mary) Alaihissalaam . They returned his greeting , welcomed him and expressed their faith in his Prophethood.
Then they reached the third heaven where they saw (Joseph)Yusuf alaihissalaam and greeted him. The latter welcomed the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) returned his greeting, and expressed faith in his Prophethood.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) , in the company of Jibraeel Alaihissalaam , then reached the fourth heaven where he met the Prophet idris Alaihissalaam and greeted him . Idris Alaihissalaam returned the greeting and expressed faith in his Prophethood . then he was carried to the fifth heaven where he met the Prophet Haaroon Alaihissalaam (Aaron) and greeted him. The latter returned the greeting and expressed faith in his prophethood . In the sixth heaven he met Moosa Alaihissalaam (Moses) and greeted him. The latter returned the greeting and expressed faith in his Prophethood. Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on leaving, saw that Moosa Alaihissalaam began to weep . He asked about the reason , Moosa Alaihissalaam answered that he was weeping because he witnessed a man sent after him as a Messenger (Muhammad SalAllahu Alaihiwasallam )who was able to lead more of his people to Paradise than he himself did.
Then Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached the seventh heaven and met Ibrahim Alaihissalaam (Abraham) and greeted him. The latter returned the salutation and expressed faith in his Prophethood . Then he was carried to Sidratul -Muntaha (the remotest lote tree) and was shown Al-Bait Al-Ma'mur (the much frequented house) encompassed daily by seventy thousand angels , so that the angels who once encompassed it would not have their turn again till the resurrection ].
He was then presented before ALLAH.
To be continued.......................}
Courtesy : Hamid Fathima