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Al Isra & Al Miraj (3/4)

Islam or Duniya - wots it gonna b?

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
Al- Isra' and Al-Mi'raj .
(The Miraculous Night Journey From Makkah to the Farthest Masjid in Jerusalem , and the Ascent Through the Spheres of Heavens) 

The 'Night journey ' raised a good deal of stir among the people and the disbelieving audience piled Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with all sorts of questions . He told them that he saw the camels of Makkan merchants going to and fro. He also guided them to some of their animals that went astray. He informed them that he had drunk some of their water while they were fast asleep and left the container covered. { see the previous reference plus Ibn Hisham 1\397;402-406]

The disbelievers , however , found it a suitable opportunity to laugh at the Muslims and their creed. They pestered the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with questions as to the description of the Masjid at Jerusalem, where he had never gone before and, to the astonishment of many, the Prophet 's replies furnished the most accurate information about that city. He supplied  them with all the news about their caravans and the routes of their camels. However , all this increased in them nothing but flight from the Truth, and they accepted nothing but disbelief.{ Zadul Ma'ad 1 \48. see also Sahih al Bukhari 2\ 684; sahih Muslim 1\96; Ibn Hisham-1402] 

For the true Muslims , however there was nothing unusual about the Night Journey . The All Mighty Allah , who is Powerful enough to have created the heavens and the earth by an act of His will , is surely powerful enough to take His Messenger beyond the heavens and show him those signs of His directly which are in accessible to man otherwise. The disbelievers on their part went to see Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him) on account of this event , and he reaily said: "Yes , I do verify it ". It was on this occasion that he earned the title of As-Siddiq (the verfier of the truth) . {Ibn Hisham 1\399} 

The most eloquent and most concise justification of this 'Journey' is expressed in Allah's words: " order that We might show him (Muhammad ) of our Ayat (proofs , evidences, signs, etc.) " {17:1}

The Divine rules as regards the Prophets are as follows:
"Thus did We show Ibrahim the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that he be one of those who have Faith with certainly."[6:75]

To Moosa Alaihissalaam , his Lord said:
"That We may show you (some ) of Our Greater Signs"{20:23}

In order that : "He be of those who have Faith with certainly." [6:75] 

The Prophets , after seeing Allah's Signs , will establish their Faith on solid certainly too immune to be parted with . Indeed actual observation is not the equal to mere information . They are in fact eligible for this Divine privilege because they are the once who will bear burdens too heavy for other ordinary people to carry , and in the process of their mission , they will regard all worldly trials  and sufferings too small to care about. 

There are simple facts that emanate from this blessed Journey and flow along into the flowery garden of the Prophetic biography ; peace and blessings of Allah be upon its subject, Muhammad . The story of the 'Night Journey ' as we see in the Noble Qur'aan is summarized in the first Verse of Surat Isra ' (Chapter - 17 The Journey by Night) then there is a quick shift to uncover the shameful deeds and crimes of the Jews, followed by an admonition saying that the Qur'an guides to that which is most just and right. This arrangement is not in fact a mere coincidence . Jerusalem was the first scene of the night Journey , and here lies the message directed to the Jews and which clearly suggested that they would be removed from the office of leadership of mankind  due to the crimes they had committed, which no longer justified their occupation of that office. 

To be continued.......................)

Courtesy: Hamid Fathima
